When you know the principal amount, the rate and the time. The amount of interest can be calculated by using the formula:I = Prt
aS tHIs Is my AssIgMeNT fOR mATH sUBjT,i VeRY eNjOYInG dOIng THis..ThaNx aLOT tO mY lECtUre wHO aLwaYs GuIDe Me N giVing AN iDeA fOR tHis BloG n SpEcIAl DeDiCAted To aLL mY fReNz WhO AlWAysZ gIvE sUppOrtED!!
fewittt!!! raya2 pon buat blog ke pa'an oiii...awat hang rajin gilaaaa.....hohohoho
example paan?
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