My SwEeT mAth LeCtUre!!

My SwEeT mAth LeCtUre!!
ThAnX 4 TeEch Me In ThiS sEm...wIsH mE lUCk 4 tHiS fInAl!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Calculate Simple Interest, Principal, Rate or Time when 3 Values are Known

When you know the principal amount, the rate and the time. The amount of interest can be calculated by using the formula:I = Prt


whitechocolate =) said...

fewittt!!! raya2 pon buat blog ke pa'an oiii...awat hang rajin gilaaaa.....hohohoho

Anonymous said...

example paan?

My Girls Classmate..

My Girls Classmate..
I hope u all past this subject with flying colours..C u all next sem ya!!